It is always rewarding, to spend some time vectorizing computations in
code runs faster, you are happy to see how all these ugly
roll up and turn into elegant linear algebra formulas,
sometimes you even can exploit hidden logic in your computations(see covariance matrix estimation).
Of course you shouldn't be too fanatic about it: code can come less readable,
memory consumption can grow unproportionally: see
ndgrid example below, or recall some
repmat constructions.
I would like to have
octave and
python -style
implemented in
but they claim, that
arrayfun, and
JITA loops implementation are fast enough. I strongly disagree.
Anyway. Suppose you want to compute table of pairwise distances for two set of vectors in $d$-dimensional space:
$$(P)_{ij} = \|x_i - y_j\|^2_2, \;\; i=1,\dots,n_1,\; j = 1,\dots,n_2, \text{ and } P\in\mathbb{R}^{n_1\times n_2}.$$
We store $x_i$ and $y_i$ as columns in matrices $X$ and $Y$ respectively:
$$X = \left[ x_1, \dots, x_{n_1}\right] \in \mathbb{R}^{d\times n_1},$$
$$Y = \left[ y_1, \dots, y_{n_2}\right] \in \mathbb{R}^{d\times n_2}.$$
We can expand $\ell_2$-norm:
$$(P)_{ij} = \|x_i - y_j\|^2_2 = x_i^\top x_i + y_j^\top y_j - 2 x_i^\top y_j,$$
now expression for
matrix $P$ can be written using matrix multiplications:
$$P = a\mathbb{1}_{(n_2\times 1)}^\top + \mathbb{1}_{(n_1\times 1)} b - 2 X^\top Y,$$
where $a$ and $b$ are vectors containing $\ell_2$ norms for every vector $x_i$ and $y_j$:
$a_i = \|x_i\|_2^2, \;\; a\in\mathbb{R}^{n_1\times 1}$, and
$b_j = \|y_j\|_2^2, \;\; b\in\mathbb{R}^{n_2\times 1}$.
$\mathbb{1}_{(m\times 1)} = \left[1, \dots, 1\right]^\top \, \in \mathbb{R}^{m\times 1}.$
Finally, this formula can be written in vectorized
matlab expression:
a = sum(X.^2, 1);
b = sum(Y.^2, 1);
P = a' * ones(1, N2) + ones(N1, 1) * b - 2 * (X' * Y);
This is quite fast and elegant implementation, that has quite the same(can be twice faster, can be twice slower) running time, as
matlabs built-in
And it is much faster and more memory efficient, than
ndgrid-based(see below) pairwise distance computation. Take a look at code, comparing 3 different implementations
for this problem. Notation is consistent with formulas above.
%generate data
d = 100; % dimensionality
N1 = 500; % number of vectors
N2 = 400; % number of vectors
X = rand(d, N1);
Y = rand(d, N2);
pd = pdist2(X', Y');
fprintf('"built-in":\t%.5f seconds\n', toc());
[gx, gy] = ndgrid(1 : N1, 1 : N2);
P_grid = reshape(sqrt(sum( (X(:, gx) - Y(:, gy)).^2, 1)), [N1, N2]);
t = toc();
fprintf('"ndgrid":\t%.5f seconds. Max err: %e\n', t, max(max(abs(P_grid - pd))));
a = sum(X.^2, 1);
b = sum(Y.^2, 1);
%I use abs to get rid of small(1e-15) negative diagoanl values,
%produced by computational errors
P = abs(a' * ones(1, N2) + ones(N1, 1) * b - 2 * (X' * Y));
P = sqrt(P); %to be consistent with pdist2
t = toc();
fprintf('"matrix":\t%.5f seconds. Max err: %e\n', t, max(max(abs(P - pd))));
Output on my machine:
"built-in": 0.02721 seconds
"ndgrid": 0.67575 seconds. Max err: 0.000000e+00
"matrix": 0.01662 seconds. Max err: 1.243450e-14
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